Thursday, February 3, 2011

3X5 Public Service Announcement

Yes we know it's been way to long since 3X5 has hit you with a new radio show! For that, we are sorry! But our absense can be justified! Over the past month and a half, we have been busy turning all of our old shows into iTunes Podcasts! What does this mean for you...the listener? Well now each show can be listened to in a wide variety of ways. The first being the standard audio player located in each of the shows post. Second being a 'right click and save' download option. The third way is the one we recommend the most if you use iTunes! By clicking on the 'Subscribe with iTunes' button, you will subscribe to our Podcast channel. Once you subscribe, all of our new podcasts will automatically download into your iTunes on your computer. Think of it as the last time that you will ever have to click a download button to listen to 3X5! Lastly is with the player located below. This player will be finding its way onto the main page of this blog shortly.
So we invite you to exercise your neck muscles and listen to 3X5 Podcasts! Also stay tuned for Show 11!!

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