CAUTION: My articles are generalized and not meant for any particular or specific situations. Taking my well thought out opinions personally may cause anger, sadness, loss of sleep, or bitterness. Results may vary!
I think it’s safe to assume that everyone has heard the phrase “Chivalry is dead” at least once in his or her lifetime. This clichéd has stirred up controversy among men and women. My opinion on the matter is that I agree, chivalry is, in fact, dead. There are a lot of men that are no longer chivalrous, and a lot of women cease to believe that it exists, at least amongst the common man. Even though I have come to the conclusion that chivalry doesn’t exist any more, I still have one question; Who is responsible for the “death” of chivalry? Men or Women? I believe it’s just a cycle between the actions of men and women’s response to these actions. Ask yourself this question: which came first, The Chicken or The Egg?
I’ll start with the women’s (Egg) role in killing chivalry. World-renowned comedian Dave Chappelle once said, “Chivalry is Dead…and women killed it!” I would not go as far as to place all the blame on women, but many played a large part. Today, it seems hard for nice guys to be appreciated by the opposite sex. When men are approach a woman politely, they are either accused of having ulterior motives (such as sex) or are looked upon as being weird, weak, or less manly. There have been times when us men have been involved with a young lady and she would rather be with her ex, whose disrespect and carelessness were the leading factors in their break-up. I always ask myself why would a woman put herself through such problems. I’ve come to the conclusion that women have grown accustomed to the behavior of some undeserving men and now find it, not only acceptable but, also, normal for men to no longer be chivalrous. The women settle for the men who are rude and unappreciative instead of those who will go above and beyond to treat them well. This leads us to the “chicken.”
Men (The Chicken) see that a large number of women are involving themselves with men who don’t deserve them. Their behavior can involve disrespect, infidelity, and as well as physical/emotional abuse. As a result, the good men may start to act as rude, if not more, than these other men. What some men do, which also adds to the brutal murder of chivalry, is “act” chivalrous with an ulterior motive, such as sex. Everyone has met those assholes men that treat women badly, yet somehow have one of the greatest, most respectable women by their side.
This article may seem somewhat repetitive, but that is because it is. The subject I’m speaking about is just a vicious cycle that has an unclear beginning and an unlikely ending. I laid out the facts. Now, I am leaving it to you to come up with your own conclusion. So you tell me, which came first, The Chicken or The Egg?
Until Next Time,
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PREACH BROTHA!..I don't know you, but your'e definitely speaking the truth
Yessir..Cree came through with the realness once again..
I dont know if I would agree with that freddy cornbread. im a girl and i like a man to treat me good. ima queen and he should treat just like it :)
cree yu speak truths i wish yu were at this session we had at my school bout chivalry ...yu woulda ran that lmao
Cree i thik you hit it dead on, no woman is going to admit that she rather the rude dude over the polite one. Maybe because she doesn't know herself......loooovvveee it!
Although, I understand what you are coming from I tend to believe that the fact that your theory is a tad bit off. I honestly think that chivalry is dead because woman today have a more independent thought and action process. We want to be treated and have the same respect as men in the workforce, school, and other social institutions which confuses men when it comes time to treat women, like "women" because technically now women wanted to be treated differently than they were before when Chivalry was alive and breathing. I feel like this ultimatley has to do with the new found competiveness that is respected betwen women and men in the world today.
so, my thoughts are somewhat similar yet .. different - i believe that chivalry exists .. of course not with all men, but somewhere it exists .. but since women have been through men who have played the "chivalrous" character before but had those ulterior motives .. they are skeptical to think that the next guy will be any better than the one who just took his time to be sweet, nice and all that .. then finally reveal that he wants something more; on top of that, the ex-boyfriend situation is more commonly not about the fact that the girl is treated wrongly by her ex, but the simple fact that they were in love or had such deep relationship .. it's hard to get out of .. and then, you can also say the same for guys, because guys go back to stupid ex-girlfriends who treat them wrong as well, because people feel comfortable going back to someone who they've either been with for a while or knows them best or they are in love with .. pretty much; but personally, guys need to be real with the girl - if your intention is not to fuck them and it's just to be with them, let them know and don't go back on your word.. because then you can't blame yourself for her not believing that your a good guy. but, if your intention is to fuck her and u like her - you need to have some game, don't tell her you want to fuck her until .. well, later when you wifed her, because by then you already have a relationship set up that you can work from. if u just want sex, then let her know -it's better to be upfront, otherwise she's going to think your playing games and your an asshole. :)
Hmm, I had NO idea you were this insightful. lol however, I COMPLETELY understand. I do believe as women we tend to overlook chivalrous behavior because we are so accustomed to being treated like anything but what we deserve. At the same time, I believe men weren't always chivalrous. So my thought process might be that the un chivalrous male did indeed come first, & he mightve changed over time, but as history repeats itself, so does the behavior of the so called "chicken". Idk, that's the just of what I mean but I did enjoy this post :)
why is ur name cornbread?
This is so true. You really did ur thing with this one.
well, i must say this is my favorite out of all of them! i actually agreed with every single thing !
The hoes killed it !
Yeah man, this is a question that we'll probably never have the real answer to but you did a good job addressing it as usual fam.
That n-word Fred Einstein Cornbread is real. #thatisall
:) ok i decided to read your post and despite the many grammatical errors, i liked it.
um "cornbread" lol your absolutely right chivalry is definitely dead.im guilty of liking the "bad guys" because i feel like their straight to the point when in reality theyre just being rude and obnoxious but if a "nice guy" approached me he would get the time of day cuz i feel like he up to something.lol _zaynah
i mean he WOULDNT.lol
On some shit, its 2011...not 1675. Women dese days are just programmed diffeerntly dude. Back den being nice was wat wow da women. Now n days..its kinda the opposite SOMETIMES. Not not the men nor the women fault. Only person or thing u can balme is society. The good guy isnt promoted as the one that a girl is "suppose" to like. U can ask every girl around u today and say would u go wit the bad boy or the good buy. Most will pick the bad boy. Dont get me wrong doe, some women still want the nice guy that hold the door for, kiss ya feet,etc. But majority of women are attracted to the rebel, da dude that dont follow rules. now wen the women get wit dose kinda men...dats wen the direspect start to come...(stay wit me) its now at this point up to the WOMEN to say "o hey, dont disrespectin me". The bad guy can be bad but once he disrespects the girl the first time, if the girl dont stop it, its gonna keep happening. Girls date da bad guy, den marry the good guy...but dese girls gotta stay smart...dese dumb asses keep gettin prego by the bad guy consequently not giving the good guy even the littlest chance. (ctfu i just went iiin) u welcome bro
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umm i would have to disagree..i dont agree with what u said about chivalry being dead...i think it just depends on the guy. some giys act like they have sense and some guys act like an ass. and as for the good guy/bad guy thing.i dont think thts really a big deal. i think it really has to depend on the female. myself for example whether im with a good guy or bad guy hes GOING TO RESPECT ME! some women just get so caught up with being wanting they begin to lose respect for themselves..and when if dont respect yourself
I completely understand where your coming from. I have seen countless situations when girls let guys treat them like crap. Of course if you don't demand respect, you'll never fully get it. I don't know if I would go as far as to say that chivalry is completely dead. Maybe scarce is a better word. I think to find it, it needs to be in a relationship where both parties respect eachother to the fullest. Chivalry should just come naturally in that senerio. But I did enjoy this, good job Cree!
wow, good stuff! So deep that Im confused as to whether or not I agree with your theory. Its impossible to single out one gender as the cause of chivalries scarcity. (I agree with Sharnelle, its not dead. There are some genuinely good guys as well as self respecting women, myself included, out there) This is super deep I gotta leave it alone or else I will end up contradicting myself :) good job cree Im proud of you.
Haha. That was real. I agree. The ladies out here settle for less now a days due to past experiences. At this age they're either still hooked on their ex or carrying a "men aren't shit" mentality. Nice point, my mans.
I want everyone to know that i truly appreciate all of the feedback you're giving, weather your agreeing or opposing. Having an opinion shows that you are actually reading and THINKING, which we at 31 percent are aiming for. Continue to follow please.
Follow Me @FredE_Cornbread
you made a lot of good points. sometimes girls stay in relationships, with "undeserving" men, for way longer than they should. And most of the times its because they are "blinded" by love. They indirectly continue to get their feelings hurt because of the false hopes they have about the relationship getting better. Its not always an easy decision to break a relationship that was once very strong. And that sucks for the "nice" guys.
I cant really say who is responsible for initially killing chivalry. Men with ulterior motives are obviously responsible, but how did these guys get that way in the first place? I mean i guess a lot of guys do want sex, without strings attached. But girls do too. And often times i think nice guys turn into, rude, slick liars, because they were initially hurt by some girl with "ulterior motives" (who they actually cared about). that one girl just messes it up for all other girls. And the reverse is also true. When a girl falls in love with a guy and he messes up all of the nice guys don't even have a chance. so... i guess im still on this chicken/egg dilemma.
As far as who is responsible for perpetuating the unchivalrous behavior, id have to hold both men and women accountable. Some guys are still too immature to appreciate the women that DO care about them, and some women are still settling to be with these "undeserving" guys because they "love" these men or sometimes because they have too much faith in asshole boyfriends and are too lazy to start a new relationship with someone else.
...but over all nice post cree.
you made a lot of good points. sometimes girls stay in relationships, with "undeserving" men, for way longer than they should. And most of the times its because they are "blinded" by love. They indirectly continue to get their feelings hurt because of the false hopes they have about the relationship getting better. Its not always an easy decision to break a relationship that was once very strong. And that sucks for the "nice" guys.
I cant really say who is responsible for initially killing chivalry. Men with ulterior motives are obviously responsible, but how did these guys get that way in the first place? I mean i guess a lot of guys do want sex, without strings attached. But girls do too. And often times i think nice guys turn into, rude, slick liars, because they were initially hurt by some girl with "ulterior motives" (who they actually cared about). that one girl just messes it up for all other girls. And the reverse is also true. When a girl falls in love with a guy and he messes up all of the nice guys don't even have a chance. so... i guess im still on this chicken/egg dilemma.
As far as who is responsible for perpetuating the unchivalrous behavior, id have to hold both men and women accountable. Some guys are still too immature to appreciate the women that DO care about them, and some women are still settling to be with these "undeserving" guys because they "love" these men or sometimes because they have too much faith in asshole boyfriends and are too lazy to start a new relationship with someone else.
...but over all nice post cree.
I am a nice guy. I don't mind being labelled nice. I been talking to this girl from school on the phone once a week. She asked me for my number to keep in touch. On our third conversation she accused me of having ulterior motives. She says that because I complimented her a while back about her clothes and the fact that we once talked about past relationships is proof that I was up to something. I have never shown any interest in her or asked her out at any time. I told her I was taken aback by her comments. It is one thing to be rejected for asking a girl out. It is something totally different being rejected for not asking a girl out. I would love to hear any opinions on this one. Thanks.
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