Thursday, July 11, 2013


The Warriors have always been a favorite team for many NBA fans. They have consistently had a wild crowd,  cool uniforms, and exciting players. The San Francisco area is also a cool area with a rich history, amazing architecture, and mouth dropping views.  In 2015 all these things will come together as the Warriors open their new stadium. Lucky for me, I have a buddy in San Fran that I have been meaning to visit. 

Venue Footprint: 170,000 square feet
Venue Height: 125 feet. For reference, AT&T Park is 183 feet to the light standard, 132 feet to the top of the seating bowl
Venue Seating Capacity: 18,000. For reference, the capacity of Oracle Arena is 19,596
Venue Total Square Footage: (including practice facilities and offices): 728,000 square feet
Practice Courts: 21,000 square feet
Community Event Room: 2,500 square feet
Parking Spaces: approximately 500 spaces, approximately 500 spaces, with bike valet for 300 bikes and 100 onsite bike rack spaces
Retail: 90,000 square feet
Open Space: 290,500 square feet or 6.67 acres
Open Space as Portion of Total Site Area: 53% of the overall site
Maritime Uses: Ferry landing, fire boat/fire station facility (accommodating three fire boats), water taxi landing, deep-water berth for cruise ships and guest docks
Public View Into Arena: Yes
Red’s Java House: Preserved on southwest corner of site

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