Tuesday, November 30, 2010

DATING: WE are jus Talkin

CAUTION: My thoughts are generalized and not meant for any particular or specific situation. Taking my well thought out opinions personal may cause anger, sadness, loss of sleep, or bitterness. Results may vary.

This being my 1st appearance on 31 percent, I decided to start off with something simple: The definition of “talkin.”

Every generation seem to have their own word for relationships that aren't quiet complete. At one point it was going "steady" than it moved to being an "item." In to day’s society it has moved to "talkin", focus on the missing "g" which I think makes a difference. I have taken the term and broken it down into 3 different phrases. I will go through them and be as simple as possible, but as detailed as need.

I'll start by listing the 3 phases:
1) No sex, a lot of freedom
2) Sex, still moderate freedom
3) Sex, you know what it is.

Now let's start with the 1st phase. This phase is the beginning stage. You might have just might out not too long ago, there isn't any real commitment, nor is there any intimacy. You and your mate may have possibly gone on a few dates, but nothing to heavy. Now the freedom comes about because if things don't work out or you two just lose contact, after a few weeks, it will almost be like it didn't happen. Meaning if one of you wanted to date another's friend, it would be acceptable because you two weren't serious. Thus, no hurt feelings.

The 2nd phase is after you too get a little more comfortable with each other and the intimacy starts to come into play. However, there still isn't THAT much commitment. The moderate freedom means you are free to "talk" to other people as long as they are not close to your mate. If you mess with two people who know each other there be difficulties and awkwardness.

Finally, the 3rd and final phase, which is the closest thing to a normal relationship without getting there. This comes after you reach phase 2 but you start to have feelings and chemistry. You, your counterpart and people that know you will automatically consider you too as being together even though no official announcement has been made. Once you are in this phase just about all the same relationship rules will have to be followed.

I hope my break down of the "talkin" phases have helped you understand better where you and your "buddy" are at in your friendship.

Until next time, I'm Fred E. Cornbread


Neo_Sole3000 said...

You are almost 100% accurate

Anonymous said...

So what does leaving the g off have to do wit it?

Anonymous said...

You the realist nigga i know man

Cornbread said...

Sorry for the Delay, but
@Neo_Sole if u have anything specific to say, just find me on twitter @FredE_Cornbread
@Anonymous Nov4, the missing G represents that you are not referring to conversing.
@Anon Dec4, thanks!!