Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Piss on Week 11.22.10

Warning!! No one in the following blog post is actually being pissed on. It is simply an expression meant to discribe how outrageous and unforgiveable the actions of the following people really are. Anyone who fines this segment offensive has the right and the duty to be pissed on as well.


Professional Rationalist

10. Black Friday

Must we stand in line for the mall doors to open at midnight? Why can’t we get the mega Black Friday sales at a reasonable hour?

I’m pissing on Black Friday for making me bum rush the automatic doors at Best Buy for a TV.

9. Fabolous

I could piss on Fab for making it acceptable to spell the word fabulous incorrectly.

I rather give him the business for wearing a jacket that lights up.

8. Face Tats

Anyone who gets a tattoo on their face is making a conscious effort to not do sh*t the rest of their life.

They are also making the decision to get pissed on this week.

7. AC Slader

As if we haven’t seen enough of him over the years, AC Slater aka Mario Lopez has a reality show about the birth of his child.

He gets pissed on for not saving the “I’m Pregnant” reality shows for the people who are actually still teenagers.

6. No Credit Cards

Any establishment that does not accept Credit Cards in 2010 are not only putting their business in jeopardy, but they also deserve to be pissed on.

5. Waka Flocka

Who would have thought that a rapper could ever be more ignorant than Lil’ Wayne? Ladies and gentleman, I introduce to you Waka Flocka.....Pissed on!

4. Paris Hilton

Ms. Hilton gets pissed on this week for doing community service in high heels.

3. TSA

I’m all for protecting American soil. But when airport security starts breaking open urostomy bags of individuals who can not control bowel movement, then we’ve got a problem..A very piss-worthy problem if you catch my drift.

2. Kevin Durant

Did Kevin Durant really just say he listens to Beyonce’ to get hype for a game?

He gets pissed on for doing the “Uh Oh” Dance before taking the floor.

1. Pope Benedict XVI

For years the Catholic Church has condemned the use of condoms, stating that the purpose of intercourse is to procreate. This week the Pope stated that condoms can be justified for male prostitutes.

I hate to do it to the Pope, but he gets the business for giving the okay to prostitution.

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