Tuesday, December 21, 2010

DATING: Social Relationships vs Love

CAUTION: My articles are generalized and not meant for any particular or specific situations. Taking my well thought out opinions personally may cause anger, sadness, loss of sleep, or bitterness. I truly believe

Results may vary!

Not many things irritate me because I don't generally care enough to let things get to me. There is one thing that really gets under my skin - people who display their relationships and all their problems via social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter (Btw, make sure to Follow @FredE_Cornbread and @31percent). I'm going to start off by apologizing in advance to the ladies because this is mostly directed to you. Not all of you, but a good amount.

Now, my main problem is with people who create status updates and tweets complaining about their significant others. No need to put your business out there people. The only thing it does is make you look petty, and probably makes your mate angry. This won't help your problem. How about you be an adult and try to work out the problems in the privacy of your own home? No need for outside interference. Additionally there is no need to talk about how much you love your mate. It looks very childish if all your status updates and/or tweets are about one person. Not to mention that it looks clingy and borderline stalker-ish.

Something else I have to point out is the relationship status. I personally don't like them because I don't think there is a purpose in letting everyone know you're in a relationship. I'm not against them. If that's what you like, that's fine. Just know that a Facebook relationship status won't stop anyone from cheating. Only the person themselves can do that. So, if your partner doesn't want to have "In a relationship" on his status, don't assume that's because your mate is cheating. I truthfully don't know why it’s so important to some people. Please don't base your relationship off that status.

A lot of people think that having a Facebook account and being in a relationship can get complicated. I completely understand why. You may have someone that is attracted to you and they might write on your Facebook wall or tweet something that the person you're involved may object to. I believe that this is out of your control. I think the easiest way to deal with this is by treating Facebook like real life by giving your significant other space and not taking everything personal. Not every status will be about you. If you see something on your mates wall, or time line that you don't agree with, leave it alone unless it truly troubles you. Then ask if it can be worked out peacefully.

So, in conclusion, don't let either Facebook or Twitter play a huge role in your life or relationship. If you do, things might not end well.



P.S. If your relationship status says married, but you've only dated for a few weeks, just take it down please. Don't insult the people who have actually joined in Holy Matrimony. Thank You.


Cornbread said...

Well excuse me if it seems to pick on females, it was just easier for me, being a male, to speak on what i see and experience from females, but males do just as much as females, its just a little different.

Nancy said...

an wats different about it

Cornbread said...

for instance, most guys don't really stress about relationship statuses.

The Contrarian said...

cornbread great article. i would suggest that you dont make the mistake of thinking that a lot of guys dont have female tendencies. jealousy isnt gender based. guys catch feelings too...