Friday, December 31, 2010

DATING: Wonder Woman

CAUTION: My articles are generalized and not meant for any particular or specific situations. Taking my well thought out opinions personally may cause anger, sadness, loss of sleep, or bitterness.

Results may vary!

My friends know me as a man with a surplus of different philosophies. To others, I'm known as a womanizer because of the vulgar comments I make on twitter or my previous “Dating” posts. I will admit that I have a tendency to speak very harshly when it concerns the opposite sex. However, I want to stress that I have the utmost respect for females. The feedback I get is that I am a hater of women. I like to think that my criticisms of women of directed at the NEGATIVE women who, unfortunately, do exist. So, with this post, I plan to discredit these accusations and shy away from what I'd typically say about women via twitter. I will discuss what makes a woman cool to me. In other words, my perfect girl.

To start, there are 3 requirements this female and myself most have to work:
1) Friendship
2) Sex
3) Chemistry

1) When I say friendship I'm referring to a young lady I can do almost anything with. If I can ask my closest male friend to do it, I should be able to ask her to do the same. Examples of my expectations consist of watching a Kevin hart stand up and being able to laugh together, and of her accepting and getting along with my friends because I plan for her to be as important to me as they are. Furthermore, I should be able to trust her to watch my nephews or pick my sister up from work if I'm running late. She will let me borrow money TRUSTING that I'll pay it back with interest, and she will know everything I expect of her can in turn be expected from me. For example I'll help hang up Christmas lights at her mothers home, or come help shovel her car out of the snow before work. These are things I would do for my best friends if they should ever ask.

2) In a relationship, sex, for me, is very important because I am a sexual person. I prefer a woman that is experienced (but not too experienced) and not afraid to show her off experience. She loves sex just as much as I do, but it is not the basis of our relationship. Instead it is an added bonus.

3) The chemistry is what I think is most important. In my opinion; chemistry is when you can stay on the phone with someone and talk about nothing important, but still have a great conversation. There will be times when this "perfect girl" will do something "imperfect" but the chemistry is what will make me forgive her, even if I don't want to. There might be times when we will separate but we will always return back to each other and pick up where we left off as if nothing has changed. Chemistry is what changes someone from a friend and or sex partner into a life partner.

I’m not in a rush to find this perfect girl; I just hope she exists. Having a person like the one I described is bound to better you as a human being. They don’t change you, they just compliment you, open your eyes to know things, and help you live a more enjoyable life. It's even possible that this female could change my outlook on women and convert my admitted anti-women blog posts and tweets into pro-women. Maybe you should think about your requirements, and keep and open eye until you find that perfect person for you.

If you have any comments just leave them at the bottom and I will reply as soon as possible. Check back frequently to see my replies.

Also don't forget to follow us @FredE_Cornbread and @31percent

See You in 2011,



Anonymous said...

I love this one thanks Cree for your insight.... i totally agree your mate should be your bestfriend soild beans nigga

Anonymous said...

You know i love your posts and I'm diggin this one. Trill ish rite there! :)

Anonymous said...

Well written. :-) nice to see this side of you portrayed.

Cornbread said...

Thank You Everyone for the support, if you have any suggestions for a post or any questions, dont be afraid to ask. I'm always open for new things

Anonymous said...

Love it! come be my Dr. Phil :)

@xemmiiee said...

my fave post! (so far)
i stole it & posted it on my blog!
all credit given to you tho (dont worry) :)