Friday, December 3, 2010

Piss on Week 11.30.10

Warning!! No one in the following blog post is actually being pissed on. It is simply an expression meant to discribe how outrageous and unforgiveable the actions of the following people really are. Anyone who fines this segment offensive has the right and the duty to be pissed on as well.


Professional Rationalist

10. Sweet Baby Rays Barbecue Sauce

Relax! I love Sweet Baby Rays.

I’m just pissing on them because they have yet to come out with a gallon sized bottle.

9. Pusha T

Rap artist and member of The Clipse has rejuvenated his career with his recent work with Kanye West. Unfortunately he has not been able to rejuvenate his hair line.

Pusha T gets pissed on for refusing to give up the braids.

8. Wayans Brothers

All the talent in their family and the best they could come up with is an ignorant cartoon called “Thugaboo?”

Pissed On
7. Asking Andy

I don’t mind answering questions, I really don’t. I understand that the only way to learn is to ask questions, but you can’t ask a question about every little thing!! A grown man once asked me how long should he put a hot dog in the microwave for.

Not only is this unacceptable, but it’s also piss-worthy.

6. 17 Philadelphia Police Officers

Count Em! Seventeen officers of the law have been arrested this year in Philadelphia for everything from drug trafficking to domestic assault.

I’m going need their badge, rifle, and the opportunity to piss on each of them.

5. Antoine Walker

Rumor has it that Antoine Walker is going to sign with the NBA D-League’s Idaho Stampede.

He gets the business for making me think about tuning into a game with less than 150 fans in attendance.

4. Kim Kardashian

First it was Ray J and then Reggie Bush. I just found out that she was dating Miles Austin for a New York minute.

She gets pissed of for being so attractive, yet such a skeezer.

3. Cee-Lo

No need for an explanation. Pissed On

2. Chris Berman

How does Chris Berman still have a job after this video.

He gets the business for giving us the Ten Codeine Commandments.

1. Hanna- Barbera Productions

This staple in the cartoon business is coming out with a new Yogi Bear film.

They get pissed on for thinking that kids today care about a mammal who steals picnic baskets.

P.S. they should have remade the Jetson's instead.


Anonymous said...

how do we know that 17 cops were really charged with a crime. where is the proof?

i dont get why your mad at cee lo either. maybe you can let the rest of us in on what he did wrong.

P.R. said...

Here is your proof for the cops..

As far as Cee Lo is concerned don't you think the "All Gold Everything" is a bit too much? When I saw the outfit I couldn't tell if I had pissed on him already. lol

Thanks for the comment,
Professional Rationalist