Friday, December 24, 2010

Piss on Week 12.23.10

Warning!! No one in the following blog post is actually being pissed on. It is simply an expression meant to describe how outrageous and unforgivable the actions of the following people really are. Anyone who finds this segment offensive has the right and the duty to be pissed on as well.


Professional Rationalist

10. Christmas Rhymes

WDAS Soulful Christmas and Boyz II Men’s Christmas album…Acceptable.
Anything after that, including Jim Jones Christmas songs…Piss-worthy.
Sorry Jim, but you can’t gangbang on Christmas.

9. Chris Brown

Chris Breezy completed his 52-week domestic abuse program and posted a picture of his certificate.

He gets pissed on for treating it like a Master’s Degree.
Hey Chris, tell Rihanna to stick it up on her refrigerator.

8. Sheek Louch

The rapper from Yonkers, NY just released an album cover in which half of his face is represented by a gorilla.

He gets pissed on for not realizing that his face alone would do the job in terrifying potential buyers.

7. Randy Moss

Randy Moss recently called a radio show pretending to be a listener by the name of ‘Woody.’

He gets the business for not having the courage to bash his coach under his true name.

6. Giants Fans

As if I really needed ammunition to dislike Giants fans, Eagles own Winston Justice reports that a Giants fan shoved DeSean Jackson’s mom because she was cheering to loud after her son scored the winning touchdown last week.

Giants’ fans get pissed on for poor sportsmanship.

5. 50 Cent

Not only did two men break into Fiddy’s $9.9 million home, they had the audacity to drink a bottle of wine before finally getting caught.
I’m not pissing on the burglars for trying, but I will give the business to 50 for not hiring a tighter crew of security guards.

4. To Be Continued…

For years hip-hop music videos have been treating us like suckers. They give us a music video for the hit single and they end it with a cliff hanger donning the words, “To Be Continued.” The only problem is that part two is rarely unveiled.

I’m pissing on the likes of Cassidy, Busta Rhymes, etc. for keeping me on the edge of my seat for nothing.

3. Maino

The rap artist that brought us the irritable hit, “Hi Hater” is now tracking down his haters in the mall. Maino gets pissed on for confronting a Tweeter about a negative comment she made on Twitter. In the words of this young lady..”It’s Just Twitter!!”

2. “Who Dis?”

Picture this..You receive a phone call from a phone number you are not familiar with. You answer the call in a polite tone. And the person on the other end says, “Who Dis?” I beg your pardon?!? You just called my phone and you have the nerve to ask, "Who Dis?" Dis is the person who is pissing on your sheer ignorance.

1. Prince

I am a huge Prince fan, but after years of denial I have come to the realization that Mr. Purple Rain himself must be pissed on for wearing heels among other suspect articles of clothing.

1 comment:

TrulyME said...

For real tho? Heals and all he still is a sexy symbol! lol