Saturday, January 1, 2011

Fat Guy Fly

It’s one of the most difficult tasks for overweight individuals to do..No not walk away from the buffet, but be one of the best dressed people in the room. There are so many variables involved. Some clothes aren’t made in their size. Other articles fit too snug. And then you have the issue of loudness. (No one wants to see a 300 pound man in a red shirt looking like the Kool-Aid man.) So the question is, “What is a chubby guy to do?” The answer is simple..follow the lead of the guys who did it right. Below is a list of three guys who tipped the scale with style.


The ladies didn’t love the Notorious B.I.G. because of his lazy eye. His ability to dress on the other hand did catch their attention. He had the audacity to pull off the vibrant Coogi sweaters. Yet he knew when he was too big for certain looks. Though he was a fan of the shiny suit trend, B.I.G. knew that it was a no-no for someone his size. He had the stature of royalty and dressed accordingly. Biggie showed the world that big guys don’t have to just wear all black. As his lyrics state, “Why can’t get big guy stay fly?”

Heavy D

Heavy D killed it with his array of suits. In his prime you could really tell that he put effort into making sure that everything fit just right. Not only did he dress well, but he had some serious dance moves. I’ve got nothing but love for his sense of style.

Fat Joe

Before you right me off as crazy just here me out. Fat Joe understands his limits very well. He gives you a simple outfit, but spruces it up with diamond incrusted jewelry. Then he throws on a pair of designer shades. He keeps a clean baldy and never is a hair on his goatee out of place. He is a prime example that just because someone is overweight doesn’t mean that they have to be sloppy. To top it all off he has one of the greatest sneaker collections ever. Check out the home that he has just for his kicks.


DeeRS said...

Alicia & I agree - there should have been a mention of Rick Ross. what's up with that?

The Professional Rationalist said...

Rick Ross was in consideration. But there are too many time where he feels as though it is acceptable to run around with no shirt on.

If I included him on the list I would be an accomplice to overly exposed man boobs in public!

DeeRS said...

haha. okay, okay. i'm not a fan of the moobs so I'll let it slide.

DJ V8 said...

Ha...moobs! Thats a new one.