Monday, January 10, 2011

Jazzy Wheelchair Owner Takes Ad Literally

Motorized wheelchairs are great tools that can be used by people who are physically unable to walk. It allows those who would otherwise be restricted to staying in one room or house the ability to enjoy the fruits of the outside world. I even know of people who are more than capable of walking that wish they had a Jazzy Power Chair after seeing this frequently played commercial:

But when Jazzy Power Chairs states that they make a power chair that can fit anyone’s needs, I am pretty sure this isn’t what they had in mind!


YogaFrog said...

HAHA! Traveling in STYLE! Only in the CUT.

Mrs. G said...

I'll be requesting the "Bedazzled" version from Hubby for my birthday this year :0)


But seriously, as a native of "Da Cut", I must admit deep feelings of sheer embarassment & shame engulfed me when I viewed the vid.