Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Organized Clutter Disorder

For quite some time I have been suffering from a mild case of OCD. No not obsessive compulsive disorder. It’s actually the complete opposite. For the life of me I can’t seem to keep my belongings in order. Sneakers under my bed. Clean dress shirts scattered across the floor. Loose papers and junk mail finding a home wherever they fall. Despite my possessions looking like they have been hit by a tornado, I know exactly where everything is. (my wallet is currently under my bed,on top of a dress shirt,inside a shoe box) Just like the guy in the video below.

Some people are going to look at this video and just see a pile of sneaks that his mom/girlfriend has been telling him to straighten up for the past two decades. I on the other hand see a guy who really has his clutter in order. Without further adieu I bring you the definition of Organized Clutter Disorder.

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