Monday, May 2, 2011


BY: Azamir Green. She was born and raised in Chilltown, Jersey City! Everything she does has a purpose. She is the creator of Stand for nothing and you’ll fall for anything! PEACE & BLESSINGS!

So when #Jay-Z said “act like an adult have an affair for once”. Did that make it the story of our love life? When do the affairs end and we have committed #Relationships? A question few don’t ask, because they rather be with someone then with no one. #Sometimes or should I say a lot of times females would rather stay in a known hell then a unknown heaven. In simpler terms you would rather eat at the #ChineseStore then go and eat at #Hibachi’s. I don’t knock the #LessIsMore idea but when it comes to what you want and what you should have, should you take the #WackAss known instead of the unknown? Could be a lose lose situation, but if you were already #Losing the battle with the known does it matter? That is not a #Winning attitude. All I’m saying is go for what you want and don’t settle because of #Convenience. For those things of #Convenience will not last. When your name comes up #Winning will not be the #Adverb next to it. Who best to #ChallengeYourself then yourself? It is known that all humans have needs but the fulfillment of getting your needs met on your own terms will most likely be the most fulfilling. #ImJustSaying

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