Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I hope you can swim

I've lived my entire life on the east coast. I spend my winters and falls complaining about howling winds, cold air, and snow while my summer is filled with humidity, and way to many UV rays. When I watched the tragedy in both Haiti and Katrina I was moved like the rest of the world. The floods currently taking place in Australia will soon go down in history as well. The residents of residents of Brisbane Australia, the country's third-largest city, are reeling from record flooding.

At least 40,000 properties were expected to be affected by overflowing water. The areas dam, which was built in the late late 1970s after the famous floods in 1974,has been damaged, making the situation even more dire.

The video below is of the town Toowoomba, which is the less than 100 miles from Brisbane .It seems a flash flood overtook the local shopping plaza. The death toll is currently at 14, while 90 people are missing.

Let's just say that I appreciate digging my car out from under the snow right now and will be saying a few prayers for those effected in Australia. I hope you ask whichever god you pray to, to do whatever he can.

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