Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Cleveland Cavaliers Sign…A Homeless Man?

Although the Cavs couldn’t sign LeBron James this past off-season, they were lucky enough to nab one of the most talented citizens of Cleveland who could use a break. Last week Ted Williams was a homeless man lending his booming voice drivers passing by a highway exit. Thanks to his YouTube video that has over 6 million views in three days, he is now the arena announcer for the Cleveland Cavaliers!!

It’s not just a saying. You really can’t judge a book buy its cover. Check out Ted Williams' highly sought after talent.


Mrs. G said...

I for 1 thought this was a "good look" not just for the Cavs & the city of Clevland, but for all mankind world wide. It's gracious 2 give some1 a chance when they're down & out. I mean, who hasn't been, right?

I'm just praying that dude stays clean (from alcohol & drugs), as well as manages his $ and life right from here on out.

Have u peeped the clip of him meeting his Mom after 10yrs of seperation? Tear-jerking...

DJ V8 said...

31 Percent doesnt have time to cry...

The Professional Rationalist said...

I low key think its a conspiracy. When ever something goes wrong (100s of birds fall from the sky for no reason) an amazing story happens to make us forget about it(homeless man gets a gig) Unemployment on the rise...Justin Bieber

I'm just saying...Professional Rationalist

The Contrarian said...

mrs. g, i didnt see the video of the homeless man meeting his mom. can you send it our way?