Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Price is Wrong, Bitch

You cant go wrong with high fashion right? wrong. As much as I love Louis Vuitton and Lanvin, some of their stuff is just ugly. Just like any designer from Nike to Ralph Lauren, not all of their clothes and shoes are nice. Sometimes people feel like just because it has some red & green Gucci stripes or a red bottom that it is hot, but that's not always the case. I'm a firm believer in the idea that you can find something nice from a thrift store to a 5th Avenue high-end store and everything in between. So just because someone may have spent a lot of money on it does not make it a good thing. You should always keep in mind the thought "If it didn't say Hermès, would I buy it?"

If i want a clunky shoe with a strap I would just take it back to 2000 and buy some Nike Air Force 1's, not pay $625 for these Louis Vuitton's

As I was typing this I stopped to think of a reason a man would need to wear rain boots...30 minutes went by and I came up with nothing. There is no reason for a man to ever wear these and if there is, $295 for Gucci rain boots is silly.

$910 Dior Homme. Really though? These thick behind soles. Cut it out and just talk to a shorter chick.

Save the Animals...and your money. $1200 Louboutin's.

#Manlaw: These are for girls...Point. Blank. Period.


Anonymous said...

lolololol @ talk to a shorter chick

Mrs. G said...

Ditto..."Holla @ a shorter Chik", lol!

I mean really?!?! What's the deal w/ headz kill'n themselves & their savings accts 2 rock high end name brand ish that is truly & honestly wack az hell?!?!? Unfortunately, DC has tonz of em :0P